Minecraft is home to a diverse audience. In fact, we are lucky to have one of the largest (if not the biggest) gaming communities in the world – many of which are women. And while the gaming industry has come a long way in terms of making gaming more inclusive, there is still plenty to be done to reach gender equality. This is why annual observances like International Women's Day and Women's History Month are still important; to raise awareness and create opportunities to uplift people.
Over the last couple of years, we’ve celebrated the occasion in many forms, and during 2023, we had the pleasure to team up with the amazing people at Women in Games International.
WIGI is a nonprofit organization that, since their start in 2005, have been committed to invest expertise and resources into highlighting and celebrating women, femme-identifying, and nonbinary professionals in the games industry. WIGI has a plethora of programs that foster gender equality and empower women in different ways – from mentorships and keynotes to guidance on how to be a better ally.
With their help, we have held Discord stage shows and talks to discuss experiences of being women in the gaming industry and the challenges that come with it. In addition, Run for Equality Initiative was highlighted; a games charity fundraiser event to promote the inclusion and equal treatment of women in the global games industry.
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